provides distribution-free hypothesis tests.
This package contains several new hypothesis tests, which do not require that the user makes assumptions on the underlying distributions.
However, all tests except npStochin
can only be
applied if there are exogenously given bounds known to the
user before gathering the data such that it is known by
definition of the underlying process that all observations
lie within these bounds.
So for instance, if the data involves percentages then the lower bound is 0 and the upper bound is 100, by definition of the data and not something (like normality) that cannot be deduced from the properties of the data.
Karl Schlag, Oliver Reiter, Peter Saffert, Christian Pechhacker, Simona Jokubauskaite, Tautvilas Janusauskas
Karl Schlag, A New Method for Constructing Exact Tests without Making any Assumptions (August, 2008) Department of Economics and Business Working Paper 1109, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
## npMeanPaired ## test whether pain after the surgery is less than before the surgery data(pain) npMeanPaired(pain$before, pain$after, lower = 0, upper = 100) ## npMeanSingle ## test whether Americans gave more than 5 dollars in a round of ## the Ultimatum game data(bargaining) us_offers <- bargaining$US npMeanSingle(us_offers, mu = 5, lower = 0, upper = 10, alternative = "greater", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## no rejection ## npMeanUnpaired ## test whether countries with french origin score lower than ## countries with no french origin data(french) origin <- french$french.origin rest <- french$rest.of.civil npMeanUnpaired(origin, rest, alternative = "less", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## npStochin npStochinUnpaired(origin, rest, ignoreNA = TRUE) ## npVarianceSingle ## see if the minority share holder shores have a variance greater ## than 0.05 data(mshscores) scores <- unlist(mshscores) npVarianceSingle(scores, lower = 0, upper = 1, v = 0.05, ignoreNA = TRUE)
## npMeanPaired ## test whether pain after the surgery is less than before the surgery data(pain) npMeanPaired(pain$before, pain$after, lower = 0, upper = 100) ## npMeanSingle ## test whether Americans gave more than 5 dollars in a round of ## the Ultimatum game data(bargaining) us_offers <- bargaining$US npMeanSingle(us_offers, mu = 5, lower = 0, upper = 10, alternative = "greater", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## no rejection ## npMeanUnpaired ## test whether countries with french origin score lower than ## countries with no french origin data(french) origin <- french$french.origin rest <- french$rest.of.civil npMeanUnpaired(origin, rest, alternative = "less", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## npStochin npStochinUnpaired(origin, rest, ignoreNA = TRUE) ## npVarianceSingle ## see if the minority share holder shores have a variance greater ## than 0.05 data(mshscores) scores <- unlist(mshscores) npVarianceSingle(scores, lower = 0, upper = 1, v = 0.05, ignoreNA = TRUE)
The Ultimatum game was played separately in four different countries. This data contains the offers of 30 students in Israel and 27 in the United States on a scale from 0 to 10. This dataset is taken from Roth et al. (1991).
A data frame containing 30 observations for Israel and 27 for the US.
Roth, A. E., Prasnikar, V., Okuno-Fujiwara, M., & Zamir, S. (1991). Bargaining and market behavior in Jerusalem, Ljubljana, Pittsburgh, and Tokyo: An experimental study. The American Economic Review, 1068-1095.
This data contains the indices of minority shareholder protection on a scale from 0 to 1 in 51 countries with civil law, differentiating between those with (32 observations) and those without (19 observations) french origin. A higher value of the index means that country is more protected. The data set is taken from Djankov et al. (2008).
A list containing a vector of 32 observations of countries with french origin and a vector of 19 countries without french origin.
Djankov, S., La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A. (2008). The law and economics of self-dealing. Journal of financial economics, 88(3), 430-465.
This data contains the indices of minority shareholder protection on a scale from 0 to 1 in 51 countries with civil law and 21 countries with common loaw. A higher value of the index means that country is more protected. The data set is taken from Djankov et al. (2008).
A dataframe containing 51 observations for civil law and 21 for common law.
Djankov, S., La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A. (2008). The law and economics of self-dealing. Journal of financial economics, 88(3), 430-465.
This test requires that the user knows bounds before gathering the data such that the properties of the data generating process imply that all observations will be within these bounds. The data input consists of pairs of observations, each pair consisting of an observation of each random variable, different pairs being independently generated. No further distributional assumptions are made.
npMeanPaired(x1, x2, lower = 0, upper = 1, alpha = 0.05, alternative = "two.sided", epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), iterations = 5000, max.iterations = 100000)
npMeanPaired(x1, x2, lower = 0, upper = 1, alpha = 0.05, alternative = "two.sided", epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), iterations = 5000, max.iterations = 100000)
x1 , x2
the (non-empty) numerical data vectors which contain the variables to be tested. The first values of the vectors are assumed to be the first matched pair of observations, the second values the second matched pair and so on. |
lower , upper
the theoretical lower and upper bounds on the data outcomes known ex-ante before gathering the data. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis, can take values "greater", "less" or "two.sided". |
epsilon |
the tolerance in terms of probability of the Monte Carlo simulations. |
iterations |
the number of iterations used, should not be changed if the exact solution should be derived |
max.iterations |
the maximum number of iterations that should be
carried out. This number could be increased to achieve greater accuracy in
cases where the difference between the threshold probability and theta is
small. Default: |
Under alternative = "greater", it is a test of the null hypothesis
against the alternative hypothesis
This test uses the known bounds of the variables to transform the data into
[0, 1]. Then a random transformation is used to turn the data into
binary-valued variables. On this variables the exact McNemar Test with
level pseudoalpha
is performed and the result recorded. The random
transformation and the test are then repeated iterations
times. If
the average rejection probability probrej
of the iterations is at
least theta
, then the null hypothesis is rejected. If however
is too close to the threshold theta
then the number
of iterations is increased. The algorithm keeps increasing the number of
iterations until the bound on the mistake involved by running these
iterations is below epsilon
. This error epsilon is incorporated into
the overall level alpha
in order to maintain that the test is exact.
(and a value mu
of the difference between the two means
in the set of the alternative hypothesis) is found in an optimization
procedure. theta
and mu
are chosen as to maximize the set of
data generating processes belonging to the alternative hypothesis that
yield type II error probability below 0.5. Please see the cited paper below
for further information.
A list with class "nphtest" containing the following components:
method |
a character string indicating the name and type of the test that was performed. | |
a character string giving the name(s) of the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis. |
estimate |
the sample means of the given data. |
probrej |
numerical estimate of the rejection
probability of the randomized test, derived by taking an average of
bounds |
the lower and upper bounds of the variables. |
null.value |
the specified hypothesized value of the difference of the variable means. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
theta |
the parameter that minimizes the type II error. |
pseudoalpha |
rejection |
logical indicator for whether or not the null hypothesis can be rejected. |
iterations |
the number of iterations that were performed. |
Karl Schlag, Christian Pechhacker and Oliver Reiter
Schlag, Karl H. 2008, A New Method for Constructing Exact Tests without Making any Assumptions, Department of Economics and Business Working Paper 1109, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Available at
## test whether pain after the surgery is less than before the surgery data(pain) npMeanPaired(pain$before, pain$after, lower = 0, upper = 100) ## when the computer was used in the surgery before_pc <- pain[pain$pc == 1, "before"] after_pc <- pain[pain$pc == 1, "after"] npMeanPaired(before_pc, after_pc, lower = 0, upper = 100) ## test whether uncertainty decreased from the first to the second round data(uncertainty) npMeanPaired(uncertainty$w1, uncertainty$w2, upper = 60) ## or with(uncertainty, npMeanPaired(w1, w2, upper = 60))
## test whether pain after the surgery is less than before the surgery data(pain) npMeanPaired(pain$before, pain$after, lower = 0, upper = 100) ## when the computer was used in the surgery before_pc <- pain[pain$pc == 1, "before"] after_pc <- pain[pain$pc == 1, "after"] npMeanPaired(before_pc, after_pc, lower = 0, upper = 100) ## test whether uncertainty decreased from the first to the second round data(uncertainty) npMeanPaired(uncertainty$w1, uncertainty$w2, upper = 60) ## or with(uncertainty, npMeanPaired(w1, w2, upper = 60))
This test requires that the user knows upper and lower bounds before gathering the data such that the properties of the data generating process imply that all observations will be within these bounds. The data input consists of a sequence of observations, each being an independent realization of the random variable. No further distributional assumptions are made.
npMeanSingle(x, mu, lower = 0, upper = 1, alternative = "two.sided", iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.05, epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
npMeanSingle(x, mu, lower = 0, upper = 1, alternative = "two.sided", iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.05, epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
x |
a (non-empty) numeric vector of data values. |
mu |
threshold value for the null hypothesis. |
lower , upper
the theoretical lower and upper bounds on the data outcomes known ex-ante before gathering the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis, can take values "greater", "less" or "two.sided". |
iterations |
the number of iterations used, should not be changed if the exact solution should be derived |
alpha |
the type I error. |
epsilon |
the tolerance in terms of probability of the Monte Carlo simulations. |
ignoreNA |
if |
max.iterations |
the maximum number of iterations that should be
carried out. This number could be increased to achieve greater accuracy in
cases where the difference between the threshold probability and theta is
small. Default: |
For any that lies between the two bounds, under alternative =
"greater", it is a test of the null hypothesis
against the alternative hypothesis
Using the known bounds, the data is transformed to lie in [0, 1] using an
affine transformation. Then the data is randomly transformed into a new
data set that has values 0, mu
and 1 using a mean preserving
transformation. The exact randomized binomial test is then used to
calculate the rejection probability of this under new data when level is
. This random transformation is repeated
times. If the average rejection probability is greater
than theta, one can reject the null hypothesis. If however the average
rejection probability is too close to theta then the iterations are
continued. The values of theta
and a value of mu
in the
alternative hypothesis is found in an optimization procedure to maximize
the set of parameters in the alternative hypothesis under which the type II
error probability is below 0.5. Please see the cited paper below for
further information.
A list with class "nphtest" containing the following components:
method |
a character string indicating the name and type of the test that was performed. | |
a character string giving the name(s) of the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis. |
estimate |
the estimated mean or difference in means depending on whether it was a one-sample test or a two-sample test. |
probrej |
numerical estimate of the rejection
probability of the randomized test, derived by taking an average of
bounds |
the lower and upper bounds of the variables. |
null.value |
the specified hypothesized value of the correlation between the variables. |
alpha |
the type I error |
theta |
the parameter that minimizes the type II error. |
pseudoalpha |
rejection |
logical indicator for whether or not the null hypothesis can be rejected. |
iterations |
the number of iterations that were performed. |
Karl Schlag, Peter Saffert and Oliver Reiter
Schlag, Karl H. 2008, A New Method for Constructing Exact Tests without Making any Assumptions, Department of Economics and Business Working Paper 1109, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Available at
## test whether Americans gave more than 5 dollars in a round of ## the Ultimatum game data(bargaining) us_offers <- bargaining$US npMeanSingle(us_offers, mu = 5, lower = 0, upper = 10, alternative = "greater", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## no rejection ## test if the decrease in pain before and after the surgery is smaller ## than 50 data(pain) pain$decrease <- with(pain, before - after) without_pc <- pain[pain$pc == 0, "decrease"] npMeanSingle(without_pc, mu = 50, lower = 0, upper = 100, alternative = "less")
## test whether Americans gave more than 5 dollars in a round of ## the Ultimatum game data(bargaining) us_offers <- bargaining$US npMeanSingle(us_offers, mu = 5, lower = 0, upper = 10, alternative = "greater", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## no rejection ## test if the decrease in pain before and after the surgery is smaller ## than 50 data(pain) pain$decrease <- with(pain, before - after) without_pc <- pain[pain$pc == 0, "decrease"] npMeanSingle(without_pc, mu = 50, lower = 0, upper = 100, alternative = "less")
This test requires that the user knows upper and lower bounds before gathering the data such that the properties of the data generating process imply that all observations will be within these bounds. The data input consists of a sequence of independent observations for each random variable, the two sequences being generated independently. No further distributional assumptions are made.
npMeanUnpaired(x1, x2, lower = 0, upper = 1, iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.05, alternative = "two.sided", epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
npMeanUnpaired(x1, x2, lower = 0, upper = 1, iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.05, alternative = "two.sided", epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
x1 , x2
the (non-empty) numerical data vectors which contain the variables to be tested. |
lower , upper
the theoretical lower and upper bounds on the data outcomes known ex-ante before gathering the data. |
iterations |
the number of iterations used, should not be changed if the exact solution should be derived. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis, can take values "greater", "less" or "two.sided". |
epsilon |
the tolerance in terms of probability of the Monte Carlo simulations. |
ignoreNA |
if |
max.iterations |
the maximum number of iterations that should be
carried out. This number could be increased to achieve greater accuracy in
cases where the difference between the threshold probability and theta is
small. Default: |
This is a test of the null hypothesis: against
This test uses the known bounds of the variables to transform the data into
[0, 1]. Then a random transformation is used to turn the data into
binary-valued variables. On this variables the exact Fischer-Tocher Test
with level pseudoalpha
is performed and the result recorded. The
random transformation and the test are then repeated iterations
times. If the average rejection probability probrej
of the
iterations is at least theta
, then the null hypothesis is rejected.
If however probrej
is too close to the threshold theta
the number of iterations is increased. The algorithm keeps increasing the
number of iterations until the bound on the mistake involved by running
these iterations is below epsilon
. This error epsilon is
incorporated into the overall level alpha
in order to maintain that
the test is exact.
is found in an optimization procedure. theta
is chosen
as to bring the type II error to 0.5. Please see the cited paper below for
further information.
A list with class "nphtest" containing the following components:
method |
a character string indicating the name and type of the test that was performed. | |
a character string giving the name(s) of the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis. |
estimate |
the sample means of the two variables. |
probrej |
numerical estimate of the rejection
probability of the randomized test, derived by taking an average of
bounds |
the lower and upper bounds of the variables. |
null.value |
the specified hypothesized value of the correlation between the variables. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
theta |
the parameter that minimizes the type II error. |
pseudoalpha |
rejection |
logical indicator for whether or not the null hypothesis can be rejected |
iterations |
the number of iterations that were performed. |
Karl Schlag, Christian Pechhacker, Peter Saffert and Oliver Reiter
Karl Schlag (2008), A New Method for Constructing Exact Tests without Making any Assumptions. Available at
## test whether countries with french origin score lower than ## countries with no french origin data(french) npMeanUnpaired(french[[1]], french[[2]], alternative = "less", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## test whether American tend to be more generous than Isrealis ## in a round of the Ultimatum game data(bargaining) npMeanUnpaired(bargaining$US, bargaining$IS, lower = 0, upper = 10, ignoreNA = TRUE)
## test whether countries with french origin score lower than ## countries with no french origin data(french) npMeanUnpaired(french[[1]], french[[2]], alternative = "less", ignoreNA = TRUE) ## test whether American tend to be more generous than Isrealis ## in a round of the Ultimatum game data(bargaining) npMeanUnpaired(bargaining$US, bargaining$IS, lower = 0, upper = 10, ignoreNA = TRUE)
The data input consists of a sequence of independent realizations observations of each random variable, observations of the different sequences also being independent.
npStochinUnpaired(x1, x2, d = 0, alternative = "two.sided", iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.05, epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
npStochinUnpaired(x1, x2, d = 0, alternative = "two.sided", iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.05, epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
x1 , x2
the (non-empty) numerical data vectors which contain the variables to be tested. |
d |
the maximal difference in probabilities assumed |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative
hypothesis. Default is "greater". If "less" is given, |
iterations |
the number of iterations used, should not be changed if the exact solution should be derived. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
epsilon |
the tolerance in terms of probability of the Monte Carlo simulations. |
ignoreNA |
if |
max.iterations |
the maximum number of iterations that should be
carried out. This number could be increased to achieve greater accuracy in
cases where the difference between the threshold probability and theta is
small. Default: |
Given it is a test of the null hypothesis
against the alternative hypothesis
The data is randomly matched into pairs and then treats them as matched
pairs. The number of pairs is equal to the number of observations in the
smaller sequence. The exact randomized test is then used to determine if
sufficiently many occurrences of occur when compared to how
occurs, using level
. The
matching into pairs is repeated iterations
times. The test gives a
rejection of the average rejection probability in these iterations lies
above theta
. If the average rejection probability lies too close to
theta then the number of iterations is increased.
is determined to maximize the set of differences
belonging to the alternative hypothesis in
which the type II error probability lies below 0.5. For more details see
the paper.
A list with class "nphtest" containing the following components:
method |
a character string indicating the name and type of the test that was performed. | |
a character string giving the name(s) of the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis. |
estimate |
an estimate of |
probrej |
numerical estimate of the
rejection probability of the randomized test, derived by taking an average
of |
bounds |
the lower and upper bounds of the variables. |
null.value |
the specified hypothesized value of the correlation between the variables. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
theta |
the parameter that minimizes the type II error. |
pseudoalpha |
rejection |
logical indicator for whether or not the null hypothesis can be rejected. |
iterations |
the number of iterations that were performed. |
Karl Schlag, Peter Saffert and Oliver Reiter
Schlag, Karl H. 2008, A New Method for Constructing Exact Tests without Making any Assumptions, Department of Economics and Business Working Paper 1109, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Available at
data(french) origin <- french$french.origin rest <- french$rest.of.civil npStochinUnpaired(origin, rest, ignoreNA = TRUE)
data(french) origin <- french$french.origin rest <- french$rest.of.civil npStochinUnpaired(origin, rest, ignoreNA = TRUE)
This test requires that the user knows upper and lower bounds before gathering the data such that the properties of the data generating process imply that all observations will be within these bounds. The data input consists of a sequence of observations, each being an independent realization of the random variable. No further distributional assumptions are made.
npVarianceSingle(x, v, lower = 0, upper = 1, alternative = "two.sided", alpha = 0.05, iterations = 5000, epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
npVarianceSingle(x, v, lower = 0, upper = 1, alternative = "two.sided", alpha = 0.05, iterations = 5000, epsilon = 1 * 10^(-6), ignoreNA = FALSE, max.iterations = 100000)
x |
a (non-empty) numeric vector of data values. |
v |
the value of the variance to be tested as |
lower , upper
the theoretical lower and upper bounds on the data outcomes known ex-ante before gathering the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis, can take values "greater", "less" or "two.sided" |
alpha |
the type I error. |
iterations |
the number of iterations used, should not be changed if the exact solution should be derived. |
epsilon |
the tolerance in terms of probability of the Monte Carlo simulations. |
ignoreNA |
if |
max.iterations |
the maximum number of iterations that should be
carried out. This number could be increased to achieve greater accuracy in
cases where the difference between the threshold probability and theta is
small. Default: |
This is a test of the null hypothesis against
This test randomly matches the data into pairs, then computes for each pair the square of the difference and continues with the resulting sequence with half as many observations as npMeanSingle. See the cited paper for more information.
A list with class "nphtest" containing the following components:
method |
a character string indicating the name and type of the test that was performed. | |
a character string giving the name(s) of the data. |
alternative |
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis. |
estimate |
the estimated mean or difference in means depending on whether it was a one-sample test or a two-sample test. |
probrej |
numerical estimate of the rejection
probability of the randomized test, derived by taking an average of
bounds |
the lower and upper bounds of the variables. |
null.value |
the specified hypothesized value of the correlation between the variables. |
alpha |
the type I error. |
theta |
the parameter that minimizes the type II error. |
pseudoalpha |
rejection |
logical indicator for whether or not the null hypothesis can be rejected. |
iterations |
the number of iterations that were performed. |
Karl Schlag and Oliver Reiter
Karl Schlag (2008). Exact tests for correlation and for the slope in simple linear regressions without making assumptions. Available at
## see if the minority share holder shores have a variance greater ## than 0.05 data(mshscores) scores <- unlist(mshscores) npVarianceSingle(scores, lower = 0, upper = 1, v = 0.05, ignoreNA = TRUE)
## see if the minority share holder shores have a variance greater ## than 0.05 data(mshscores) scores <- unlist(mshscores) npVarianceSingle(scores, lower = 0, upper = 1, v = 0.05, ignoreNA = TRUE)
There are two ways to determine where to start an operation on a knee, either with a computer or manually. The data describes the pain experienced by the patients before and after the surgery.
A dataframe containing 50 observations. Column "pc" indicates if a computer was used (coded with "1") or not (coded with "0")
Sabeti-Aschraf, M., Dorotka, R., Goll, A., & Trieb, K. (2005). Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of calcific tendinitis of the rotator cuff. The American journal of sports medicine, 33(9), 1365-1368.
In an experiment, subjects played a similar game twice. Choices could be between 110 and 170. Each time, before they made their own choice, they had to indicate an interval [L, U] that they believed would contain the choice of their opponent. They paid some additional money if the choice of their opponent was in the interval they specified, and were paid more the smaller this interval was. So the width W_i of this interval in round i gives an indication of how uncertain they are in round i. The data contains the interval width in round 1 and 2 which makes this a sample of matched pairs.
A dataframe containing the 25 intervals in each round of the game.
Galbiati, R., Schlag, K., & van der Weele, J. Sanctions that Signal: an Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Forthcoming